Social Media Manager Contract Template

$297.00 CAD 

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Social Media Manager Contract Template - Contracts Market
Social Media Manager Contract Template - Contracts Market
Social Media Manager Contract Template - Contracts Market
Social Media Marketing Agreement - Contracts Market

Are you a social media manager or ads manager that creates and manages beautiful social feeds or run ads for your clients?  If so, this contract is for you! This contract will ensure your clients know what to expect when working with you and what you expect from them with the flexibility to customize it to your unique business. 

With social platforms and expectations constantly changing, you know the importance of managing client expectations and being clear about what is and isn't included as part of your fee. This contract makes it easy to clearly set out this out, helping you to manage scope creep and protect your boundaries!

I feel so much more confident and professional since I've invested in these templates and constantly recommend them to all of my entrepreneur friends. They're 1000% worth it!

Jasmine Williams