Influencer Contract Template

$297.00 CAD 

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Influencer Contract Template
Influencer Contract Template
Influencer Contract Template
Influencer Agreement - Contracts Market

Who is This Influencer Contract Template For:

This Influencer Agreement is  for business owners who are hiring influencers to market and promote their products or services to their community. Influencer marketing can be a powerful way to reach a larger audience - we all know the importance of social proof!

But before you send product out the door or hire an influencer in your business, be sure that you are both on the same page before you start working together and have a contract signed. This contract will ensure that the expectations and obligations are set from the start to ensure a smooth working relationship and that the influencer complies with both Canadian and US laws. 


  • An easy way to define the services being provided by the Influencer as well as Influencer's obligations to you while delivering the Services

  • Clear payment terms and an option for monetary or product-based compensation 

  • Clear terms setting out who is the owner of the intellectual property being delivered as part of the Services so there is no confusion 

  • Cancellation terms and clauses allowing you to terminate in the event you no longer want to work with an Influencer say, if they promote or say something that is against the values of your company

  • Clear guidelines setting out the requirements for ensuring Influencer is complying with Canadian and US laws relating to Influencer Marketing, such as their disclosure requirements and how they can do this #ad

  • All the legal terms you need (in plain English, promise!)

And so much more….

Plus you’ll get a handy how-to guide to help you customize your contract and incorporate it into your business processes quickly and easily. 

I feel so much more confident and professional since I've invested in these templates and constantly recommend them to all of my entrepreneur friends. They're 1000% worth it!

Jasmine Williams